What is numeracy? ACARA and subtraction:
The big ideas:
Week three introduced the mathematics curriculum, outcome-based education, student learning outcomes and subtraction. We discussed differences between mathematics and numeracy. The curriculum is organised around 3 content strands and 4 proficiency strands to ensure outcomes are met. The reading, ‘Numeracy, a priority for all’, notes it is essential that school education takes increasing responsibility for the outcomes of all students (Australia, 2000).
Reys et al. (2020) states that all concepts should be developed through concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.
Children’s language
Materials language
Mathematics language
Symbolic language
How many are left? How many less do you have than I have?
How many are left? How many less do you have than I have?
4 subtract 3 equals 1
4 – 3 = 1
Familiar objects, toys etc
Substituted objects, graphics, counters, MAB blocks, place value mats, number lines
Substituted objects, diagrams, graphics
Draw pictures
Draw pictures
4 subtract 3 equals 1
4 – 3 = 1
Personal reflection:
My initial definition of subtraction was taking numbers away from an initial number to achieve the answer, which I think is a little broad, and can’t be applied to all types of subtraction.
I found it interesting children must understand the link between addition and subtraction in order to successfully work with either.
Concept, skill or strategy:
Use halves is a useful strategy for teaching subtraction as demonstrated in this video.
Pete. (2014, November 2). Teaching subtraction halves facts [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijHShaRcRM8
A possible misconception:
Students may subtract the smaller digit in a column from the larger digit, regardless of which appears at the top. the student will need to develop their understanding that numbers can be split in separate ways, but the calculation is still a whole. Use of MAB and place value mats and modelling should remedy this.
Subtraction: Year one / Number and Algebra / Number and place value / ACMNA015
- developing a range of mental strategies for addition and subtraction problems
Scootle resource: Number pieces https://apps.apple.com/au/app/number-pieces-by-math-learning/id605433778
This app for iPad allows students to manipulate MAB blocks to represent numbers, partitions, groups and basic number operations.
The Action of Subtraction book
Garew. (2015, March 12). The action of subtraction [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLgR5RFR_vA
Word Count: 257
The big ideas:
Week three introduced the mathematics curriculum, outcome-based education, student learning outcomes and subtraction. We discussed differences between mathematics and numeracy. The curriculum is organised around 3 content strands and 4 proficiency strands to ensure outcomes are met. The reading, ‘Numeracy, a priority for all’, notes it is essential that school education takes increasing responsibility for the outcomes of all students (Australia, 2000).
Reys et al. (2020) states that all concepts should be developed through concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.
Children’s language
Materials language
Mathematics language
Symbolic language
| |
How many are left? How many less do you have than I have?
How many are left? How many less do you have than I have?
4 subtract 3 equals 1
4 – 3 = 1
Familiar objects, toys etc
Substituted objects, graphics, counters, MAB blocks, place value mats, number lines
Substituted objects, diagrams, graphics
Draw pictures
Draw pictures
4 subtract 3 equals 1
4 – 3 = 1
Personal reflection:
My initial definition of subtraction was taking numbers away from an initial number to achieve the answer, which I think is a little broad, and can’t be applied to all types of subtraction.
I found it interesting children must understand the link between addition and subtraction in order to successfully work with either.
Use halves is a useful strategy for teaching subtraction as demonstrated in this video.
Pete. (2014, November 2). Teaching subtraction halves facts [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijHShaRcRM8
A possible misconception:
Students may subtract the smaller digit in a column from the larger digit, regardless of which appears at the top. the student will need to develop their understanding that numbers can be split in separate ways, but the calculation is still a whole. Use of MAB and place value mats and modelling should remedy this.
Subtraction: Year one / Number and Algebra / Number and place value / ACMNA015
- developing a range of mental strategies for addition and subtraction problems
Scootle resource: Number pieces https://apps.apple.com/au/app/number-pieces-by-math-learning/id605433778
This app for iPad allows students to manipulate MAB blocks to represent numbers, partitions, groups and basic number operations.
The Action of Subtraction book
Word Count: 257